DIRS in the Media
Reading and understanding the Quran
Interview of the broadcasting station Bayerischer Rundfunk with Islamic scholar PD Dr. Abbas Poya (24/11/2017)
Many Muslims like to read the Quran – a book from the 7th century. But do they understand what they read? Abdul-Atman Rashid has interviewed Islamic scholar Dr. Abbas Poya.
Talking about Religion
Wolfgang Reinhold from the show “Religionen im Gespräch (Talking about religion)” interviews Islamic scholar Prof. Mohammed Nekroumi (30/03/2017)
What do we know about Muhammad? How can one imagine the emergence of Islam? Prof. Nekroumi elaborates on these questions in the course of the interview.
Bedroht der Islam den freien Westen? Does Islam threaten the “free West”?
On-air-debate hosted by the broadcasting station SFR 2 Kultur with Islamic scholar PD Dr. Poya (09/09/2016)
In everyday life, people are respectful
Interview by broadcaster SWR 2 Kultur with Islamic scholar Abbas Poya (09/09/2016)
Islamic-Religious Studies at the Universities
Professors Maha El Kaisy-Friemuth and Reza Hajatpour as well as students from the Department for Islamic-Religious studies are interviewed by the broadcaster Bayerischer Rundfunk (23/06/2016)
Angels – Gods Ground Crew Engel
PD Dr. Abbas Poya is part of the report by Sternstunde Religion in the Swiss broadcasting station SFR SFR (17/04/2016)
Additional Perspectives
FAU aktuell interviews Prof. Dr. Maha El Kaisy-Friemuth (05/11/2014)
The highest Instance
Ralf Grötker in an Interview with Prof. Dr. Reza Hajatpour on the topic “Metaphysik des Lichts im Denken des Islam (meta physics of light in Islamic thought)” (1/10/2014)
Reforms in Islam
Qantara.de speaks to Prof. Dr. Maha El Kaisy-Friemuth (27/08/2014)
“We are all born as Muslims”
Two junior researchers at DIRS speak with the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung (28/02/2014)